Every day end with positive thought. No matter about things,
Tomorrow's a fresh opportunity to make it better.
If some one send good night wishes every day,You're happier than so many people.
Good Night sleep tight i wish you lovely dreams with all my might.
You are the only one star i see tonight, Good Night Dear.
Sweet dreams sleep tight I love you dear Good night.
See you in the morning love you Good night.
The night is not forever but our love is forever.
Do you think about me before sleep.
You are my favorite and you are darling and this is last good night.
Love is not how much you say I love You but one thing How much you can prove that it's true.
I want to capture your heart love dear good night.
Dear I'm your until starts in the sky in other words until i die.
Touch your heart and shut your eyes sweet dreams and sleep night.
Touch your heart and close your eyes and make wish say good night.
Always end the day with positive thought No matter for tomorrow's fresh opportunities.
Wake up with a determination and go to bed with a satisfaction.
I"ll try to sleep so that i can keep you in my dreams.
One fine day, we will never have to say good bye, only good night.
Close your eyes in the black night store beautiful dreams and lots of thoughts in your heart Good Night.
Life is always offers you second chance It's called tomorrow.
Before you close your eyes tonight remember to be thankful for your loved one's.
During the day i keep my self busy but I never forgot you dear Good Night.
My favorite place in all the world next to you.
Every day i spend with is the new day of my life.
Every day every moment i say good night i'm really saying good night dear.
One of beautiful thing as i know falling a sleep with some one you love, Good night.
I was kissing you instead of missing you.
Never lose hope no one never no what tomorrow will bring.
Thousand kiss and hugs for you good night dear.
Sleeping is the best one in my life because forget everything for a little while.
good night love
Tonight can i sleep with you Dear Good night.
You are my special one dear Good Night.
I think about you all the time, But i don't say it any more.
I wanna fall a sleep in your arms dear.
It does not matter where you come from what matter most is to understand where you going, Good night.
You will be the last thing i think of before i fall a sleep and 1st thing i think of when i wake up.
This message has the following attachments the sweeties kiss and lovely hug Good night dear.
If i had choose between loving you and breathing i would use my last breath to say i love you.
I would drive to literally give u a kiss good night.
The only person worth losing sleep over is the one you cant sleep without, God night sweet heart.
My night are lonely without you miss you so much.
The moon is angry at me and jealous of you because i said that no one can light my nights up like my girlfriend. Good night.
Is it bad that I miss you Love You good night dear.
Funny good night quiets
Dear sleep i know we had problems when i was younger but i love you.
I really think that tossing and turning at night should be considered as exercise.
No one looks back on their life and remembers the nights they had a plenty of sleep
I love face it is the only place to talk love you dear. Good night.
Always kiss your children good night.
It's my bed time sweet dreams good night.
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